MK9 - Scorpion Fatalities and Babality

MK9 - Scorpion Fatalities and Babality,Scorpion is one of the most popular characters in the Mortal Kombat series. It is also known that his father, a former member of the Shirai Ryu, forbade his son from joining the clan, as he did not wish his son to live the life of an assassin.

Fans of the series often perceive Scorpion as the title's foremost anti-hero, due to his tendency to undertake actions which serve to benefit good, albeit in his own gruesome, self-serving, and vigilante manner.

MK9 - Scorpion Fatalities and Babality

  • Split Decision - F, D, F, 2 (Close)
  • Nether Gate - B, F, B, 3 (Close)
  • Toasty! - D, U, U, 2 (Jump) DLC
  • Stage Fatality - F, U, U, 1 (Varies)
  • Babality - D, B, F, D, 2 (Jump)

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